The Collective of Practitioners + Healers+ Helpers

Kelli Gresham Star

  • Kelli is level two reiki healer and holistic practitioner providing holistic healing services to help balance your mind, body, and spirit. Her services include: sound baths, biofield tuning, auricular therapy, and lucia light treatments. She believes in the power of alternative healing methods and invites you to join her on a journey of healing and self-discovery

  • Lucia Light Thearpy


    Tuning Forks

  • @thefrequencybeing

Faith Duckett

  • Hello loves! My name is Faith, and I am so incredibly honored that you are here. I am a Certified Trauma Informed Breathwork guide and an Artist. I have the honor and privilege of holding sacred space for people just like you as they dive deep into their own bodies through the power of their breath. As a guide I help facilitate a safe space for you to heal limited beliefs, release trauma, find relaxation deep within your body, and surrender to the power that we hold. Each and every one of us holds so much wisdom from within our body. When we allow ourselves to come to stillness, we are able to embody the wisdom that lives within.

    As an intuitive Artist I create space for clients to explore their own creativity through the power of safety. Over the years I have heard countless times people make the statement that they are not artistic in any way. I don't believe that to be true. I believe it's through our limited beliefs that we block our own creativity and ability to allow creativity to flow through us. Art is such a beautiful way to embody, to expand, and to release. Through guided sessions I empower those who work with me to lean into the expressions that are be called in from an embodiment level. We explore joy, empowerment, sadness, grief, anger, and so much more.

  • Certified Trauma Informed Breathwork guide


  • @faith.paintedsoul

Taylor Pagona

  • I’m Taylor, a licensed naturopathic doctor, holistic wellness coach, energy medicine practitioner, yoga teacher.. and a wild-hearted nature lover!

    My practice, Evolve Wellness, serves as a space for holistic healing and living. It is a space that honors the Evolution of YOU and your journey back home to yourself. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

    My work is based on the innate self-healing wisdom of the body and reconnecting with nature to remember your true nature.

    I see nature as the ultimate healer, mentor, and guide. Much of the healing work I do is centered around rewilding - that is aligning with the rhythms of nature to harmonize and heal your biology, mind, and soul.






  • @love.heal.evolve

Jessica Maitri

  • "Jessica Maitri is a clinical therapist, Yoga Therapist, Breathwork practitioner and intuitive energy healer. She blends both eastern and western therapeutic approaches to embodied wellness. Her training in both western psychology and eastern embodiment practices inform her work with groups and individuals, through her therapeutic modality: The Yothera Method. Jessica's work invites individuals deeply into the present moment, to re-write their old stories of the mind, into their true story of innocence through the body and intuition." .

  • Mindful Movment

    Yothera Method

    Breath Work



    yoga therapy

    movement therapy

    Ester Dance

  • @yothera_method

David Smith

  • David was born in Ohio and was called to bodywork at an early age, often massaging his mother's feet. He moved to Utah and began college, but soon learned that the traditional path was not laid for him. Instead, he was compelled to attend massage school and create his own company so that his passion for the art of manual therapy could benefit his community. He pursued continuing education to elevate his skills in the forms of myofascial massage, ayurvedic techniques and personal training with an emphasis in corrective exercise. David has always felt at home in the woods and worked seasonally as a wildland firefighter for 5 years. In the off seasons, he lived on the Big Island of Hawaii where he provided massage and connected to nature. He currently works as an arborist and continues to offer manual therapy, enjoying the balance of yin and yang his lifestyle provides.

  • Deep Tissue Massage

    Back to Baseline

    Myofascial Release

    Mobility Tune Up

  • @mantamobilemassage

Celeste Terre

  • Celeste loves to experience life to the fullest. Through nature, the body, breath, food & above all, to connect in community. She sees herself as a witness to the innate beauty, abundance & truth in all of life.  In her work, Celeste creates cohesive atmospheres for people to align, heal & connect with joy & purpose. Her desire is to see everyone, thriving as the unique expression of the divine that they are.

  • Breathwork

  • @mindbodybreathconnect

Juli Johnson

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • Ecstatic Dance

    Therapy + Spirital Growth Coaching




Jeremy Beasely

  • Hello my name is Jeremy Beasley. I’m the owner of Drop IN Meditation and Wahsatch coaching LLC. I moved to Idaho twelve years ago from Salt Lake City, Utah. Where I grew up doing all the outdoor activities that this beautiful world has to Offer. Hiking, mountain biking and skiing are some of my favorites. Professionally i was in the restaurant and bar industry for most of my life. After leaving the food service industry i spent many years in tech and Network Security which took a toll on me mentally and physically. After leaving the tech work because of the stress it caused me. I made the decision to start using my recovery experience and moved into Recovery coaching and peer support for a few years. This led to running sober housing and working for a treatment center and eventually becoming the Lab Director. In 2019 i decided to left the lab and open Wahsatch Coaching, LLC to help people with addiction recovery and personal coaching. Over the last few years i have started my journey into the world of meditation, Yoga and all of the amazing holistic practices that Portal offers. I’m excited to share my life changing journey and experience with people.

  • Meditation

    Men’s Circles



Shaena Singer

  • * Shaena is a spiritual life coach who uses movement, embodiment and heart activation to support individuals in their transformational journey. Her years spent dedicated to studying and practicing dance give her a unique approach to understanding the wisdom of our physical bodies and the energetic world we move about. She is passionate about helping to find and restore a balance between the feminine and masculine energies through reestablishing a connection to our heartspace. Shaena is a certified Kakao Facilitator and over the years, has been leading people back to their hearts through Cacao Ceremonies. She is dedicated to continuing to expand her breadth of knowledge and has spent years studying Mystical and Healing Arts, Gene Keys, anatomy and kinesiology, Elemental Wisdom, and Transformational Coaching, to name a few.

  • Cacao Ceremony

    Heart Coaching

    Inner chid Healing


  • @shaena.alexa

Heather Riley

  • HEATHER RILEY is the founder of Visualizing Potential, LLC and is a licensed clinical social worker, coach, organizational consultant, visual strategist, mover, and creative visionary with a passion for helping others learn how to tap into the wisdom of their senses and impulses to develop a life path full of vibrant expression, purpose and meaning.

    Heather has over 25 years coaching and consulting with individuals, families and organizations impacted by trauma. She specializes in finding creative ways to alchemize the residue of trauma, recognizing the sparks of potential and revealing hidden capacity to catapult others towards aspirational goals aligned with purpose. Dancing the path of the wounded healer, she draws from her training in deep process work and embodiment practices to support her own regeneration and ongoing self-discovery while respecting that each person’s relationship to healing is unique. She is an accredited 5Rhythms™ teacher, holds a Blue Belt in Nia™ and has received training in Systems Constellations, Jungian Process Work and Narrative Practices. She holds a Masters in Social Work from the University of WA and a Masters in Applied Behavioral Science/Organizational Development from the Leadership Institute of Seattle (LIOS)/Bastyr University.

  • 5 Rhythms

    Movement meditation

    Ritual arts,

    Transformational coaching


Emily Clark

  • Emily is a multi instrumental sound healer, classically trained vocalist, certified integral life coach, and yogi with a passion for deepening awareness of the mind, body, and soul complex. With her use of tonal alchemy and sound frequency, Emily creates an ethereal like space, gently guiding others into deep states of consciousness and relaxation. With the accompaniment of quartz sound bowls, drums, chimes, gongs, and Tibetan bowls, Emily works with vibrational frequency to aid in the regulation of the parasympathetic nervous system to dissolve stress levels in the physical body and to aid in overall well being.

  • Sound Healing

    Vocal Coaching




Sara Louise

  • emPOWERed Yoga oga


  • @lil.saralou

Jill Beggs

  • Bio Coming

  • Kids Yoga

    Yoga through Pregnancy

  • @magicmoutainmomma

Ashley Betz

  • Ashley is a mental wellness professional in the community who is passionate about teaching nervous system regulation skills which is what led her to studying kundalini yoga and becoming a certified teacher. Ashley is open minded and strives to provide a neutral space and non-judgmental space for all beings..

  • Kundalini

    Sound healing


Bridgette Moore

  • Bridget has been practicing Yoga for over a decade and teaching for about half that time. She has immersed herself with many different teachers with lineages spanning from Iyengar to Vinyasa to Kundalini.

    Her love for Yoga continues to deepen as her years on Earth continue to pass. Bridget believes this system is one of the greatest ancient medicines for Man to overcome and thrive during our time here. It is through sincere dedication and study that she strives to teach Yoga as a lifestyle more than a class.

  • Kundalini Vinyasa Fusion


  • @bridgetinboise

Hannah Frakes

  • Hannah moved back to Boise in 2021, after spending 6 years in Washington where she worked with Youth in Foster Care. She began her CrossFit journey after playing collegiate soccer at BSU (2013 – 2015) and Saint Martin’s University (2015 – 2017). During Hannah’s years at SMU, she was a GNAC Academic All-Conference member, Most Valuable Player, Team Captain, and voted All-Conference (top 22 players). After finishing her collegiate career, she found CrossFit and quickly fell in love with the sport. Hannah began personal fitness and nurtitional coaching in 2021. In addition to coaching CrossFit, Hannah teaches TRx classes, circuit, HIIT, pilates, strength training, and coaches high school soccer.

  • Stech & Mobility


    Nutritional Coaching

  • @h_frakes

Ashaya Charlotte Marie

  • I Am Shakti Rising; the upheaval of the shadow; a planetary purge of transformation and awakening of authenticity joy wholeness and light. Ashaya was born of the fire and the astral; communing with the elementals and imagination as a child to understand life on earth, evolving into the abilities of seeing and hearing the collective subconscious and dreamworlds. I enjoy supporting myself and others to ignite their joy sparks, heal their shadows, and lucidly teach their subconscious to become empowered creators. I enjoy playing in nature and the stillness of underwater, bringing the magic of the elements and ethereal spaces into the physical here and now, embodying the Cosmic Heartspace as an Empowered Creator of Love.

  • Reiki | Energy Work

    Breath Work



    Children’s Yoga

    Spirit Science, Dreamwork,

    Psychic Awakening,





  • @shaktienergyrising

Jordann Johnston

  • My journey in yoga all started with my mom. An incredible women that introduced me to the practice. From there my love and knowledge of yoga has only grown. After taking classes for many years, I decided to move deeper into this lifestyle. I got my RYT 200 hour certification, and I've been actively teaching for two-and-a-half years. Currently I am studying Aruveda and working towards achieving my RYT 500 hour certification.

  • Vinyasa

    Yin | Restorative

    Breath Work


  • @eat_breathe_move

Mykel Brostzman

  • Bio

  • offerings

  • connect

Mckenzie Shier

  • Mckenzie began her yoga journey during her teens and quickly realized the benefits it brought to her everyday life. After college she felt compelled to begin sharing the teachings of yoga and first took the seat of the teacher in 2014. She has experience teaching many styles of yoga including Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Chair Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. Regarless of what style she is teaching it is always influenced by a trauma sensitive perspective. She approaches teaching with the idea that she is simply there to guide and encourages students to take the opportunity to tune into their own internal teacher. When she’s not teaching you can find her exploring nature with her dogs, traveling with her husband, or lounging around with a good book.

  • Vinyasa

    Yin | Restorative


    Chair Yoga


  • @mckenziesshier

Johanna Schanbacher

  • After graduating high school, Johanna took a hiatus from formal education. During these years, she traveled extensively, immersing deeply in other cultures and in foreign lands. These formative years led to a strong sense of integrity, appreciation for diversity, and a solid foundation on which to build her education. Fueled by enthusiasm to help others, Johanna graduated from Colorado State University, summa cum laude, with a BS in Health & Exercise Science and a concentration in Sports Medicine. She went on to complete her Doctorate of Physical Therapy at University of Colorado. Johanna has always been passionate about movement, participating in a wide variety of recreational sports and activities. In 2019, Johanna found yoga… or really, it found her. Quickly realizing that yoga was far more than a physical practice, she enrolled in RYT-200 level training, to deepen her understanding of yogic philosophies and lifestyle. She then completed the RYT-500 hour Ayurvedic Science and Yoga program through ZenSpot Institute to continue on her life-long path of learning. As she continues down her own scenic route of self-discovery and exploration, she would love to work with you, on traveling yours!

  • Aging Gracefully

    Morning Yoga


    Physical Therapy

  • @soularpowerpt

Tiffanie Sweeney

  • I’m Taylor, a licensed naturopathic doctor, holistic wellness coach, energy medicine practitioner, yoga teacher.. and a wild-hearted nature lover!

    My practice, Evolve Wellness, serves as a space for holistic healing and living. It is a space that honors the Evolution of YOU and your journey back home to yourself. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

    My work is based on the innate self-healing wisdom of the body and reconnecting with nature to remember your true nature.

    I see nature as the ultimate healer, mentor, and guide. Much of the healing work I do is centered around rewilding - that is aligning with the rhythms of nature to harmonize and heal your biology, mind, and soul.






  • @love.heal.evolve

Bethany Wheeler

  • Bio

  • offerings

  • connect.

Kelsey Selene

  • Kelsey found ecstatic dance over a decade ago and her belief in the profound medicine of free form movement continues to deepen. She believes we are all innately creative beings with our own unique inner dance, often just waiting to be expressed.

    Her mission is to guide and empower people to tap into the divine wisdom of their bodies through conscious dance, contact improv, community, and ceremony.

  • Ecstatic Dance

    Contact Dance

    Private Lessons

  • @iamkelseyselene

Troy Willam Sanders

  • Bio

  • Vinyasa

    Men’s Yoga

    Men’s Circle

  • @theboisebrothehood

Rebecca Noelle

  • Bio

  • offerings

  • connect.