Welcome to our sacred sanctuary, Portal.

Nestled within this collaborative space, every soul is invited to weave their essence into the tapestry of collective wisdom, compassion, and service.

Within these hallowed walls, the boundaries between yours, mine, and ours blurs, for this space belongs to all who enter with open hearts and open minds.

So come, dear friend, and join us in this sacred dance of community, service, and healing.

Together, let us co-create a sanctuary of love and light, where the magic of the human spirit knows no bounds, and the journey of the soul finds its true home in UNITY.

The Sacred Spaces

Step into our inviting group studio space or private healing rooms, which have been meticulously designed to offer practitioners a professional setting to facilitate, heal, and train the community. At Portal, every detail has been thoughtfully curated to create an atmosphere of comfort, belonging and healing.

Within this sacred space, you'll discover a fully stocked coffee and tea bar, and our mini fridge is always stocked with a selection of nourishing beverages. Our serene waiting area has ample seating and a soothing ambiance of soft lighting with gentle music for you and your clients to relax and unwind before or after a sessions.

In addition The Portal has high speed internet, a lending library and is adorned with local art, products, and goods, celebrating the vibrant tapestry of our community's creativity and spirit.

Whether you're a teacher, sound healer, massage therapist, reiki master, therapist, coach, nutritionist, or any other practitioner, our space is yours to cultivate with grace and professionalism.

Heart Space

Main large studio space used for classes and events.

Can host up to 30 individuals depending on event, modalities and configuration.

Can be rented by the hour, half day or full day.

Our collective has a limited number of mats, blocks, bolsters, tables, chairs, and dishware and other serving items for community use.

Call to Text our Studio number to reserve The Heart Space (208) 751 8811

Zen Space

Inviting healing room, designed to offer a professional setting to facilitate healing experiences. Here, every detail has been thoughtfully curated to create an atmosphere ideal for massage, Reiki, Tuning, breathwork & more

Light Space

Inviting healing room, designed to offer a professional setting to facilitate healing experiences. Here, every detail has been thoughtfully curated to create an atmosphere ideal for massage, Reiki, Tuning, breathwork & more

Grace Space

Inviting healing room, designed to offer a professional setting to facilitate healing experiences. Here, every detail has been thoughtfully curated to create an atmosphere ideal for talk therapy, consults meetings, readings sound therapy & more

In addition you get…

  • CommUNITY Lounge

    Community lounge with amble seating and floor space.

  • Coffee + Tea Bar

    Relax with a cup of tea or coffee as you a enjoy time in the Portal.

  • Bathroom + Shower

    Clean and fully stocked restroom and shower

  • WiFi + Lending Library

    Free internet and reading materials for collective use.


     Start at— $48/hr

The HeartSpace is our versatile studio rental space, where creative visionaries and wellness practitioners alike can bring their ideas to life. With fees starting at just $48, our studio provides an affordable and flexible solution for a variety of needs. Whether you're hosting a yoga class, conducting a photography session, or facilitating a workshop, our space can adapt to meet your requirements. Our rental fees increase incrementally to accommodate additional amenities or services, ensuring that you only pay for what you need. Experience the convenience and affordability of our studio.

The collective has a variety of amenities for use such as tables, chairs, serving dishes, basic office supplies & more. Email hello@portalidaho.com with questions or to see if you will need to bring it along.

      Starts at — $28/hr

Our serene private treatment room rentals, are designed to offer a tranquil space to facilitate healing and rejuvenation and professionalism. Our rental rates start at just $18 per hour, with the option to extend to 90 minutes for $28, allowing you the flexibility to accommodate various session lengths. Each rental includes a built-in 5-minute buffer between clients, ensuring a seamless transition and allowing time for clients to integrate post treatment.

Additionally, our facility features a comfortable waiting room where your clients can relax and prepare for their session or take a moment to reflect and integrate.

Experience the convenience and professionalism of our private treatment room rental, where every detail is tailored to support you and your clients in their wellness journey.

Text Us


Text Us ?

Still have questions about space rental?

Text us : (208) 751- 8811

Email us: hello@portalidaho.com